Friday, October 12, 2018

On Tuesday Jenna and I were in L&D, we didn't do much, but we looked the heart beats of the mothers and newborns. At Baylor there was a patient that claimed to have mirgraine, but she was just faking it just to recive narcotics. On Thursday we visited UT Southwestern. I was able to hold multiple human organs. My favorite was the brain.

10/9 - 10/11
Presby was a slow day. The was a patient that had her baby, but we weren't there on time to see it. Although, I was still able to see the new born. At Herndon I didn't get to do much, but there was a student who claimed to of had a "winter cough" The nurse and I could't do much but give her mint. Unfortunately I wasn't feeling well on Thursday and had to miss out on Baylor.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

I have never really meet anyone that has broken any bones. Though in the past in 7th grade I sprained my ankle. I was playing basketball in gym class and I believe i sprained it. I never went to the doctor or anything because even though it hurt really bad I didn't think it was a big deal. I eventually just let it heal on its own. I just wrapped my foot in it and put a brace on it. It then got better but that's as close I've gotten to breaking an ankle and or knowing any one who has.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Kathya's Clinical Blog

Kathya's Clinical Blog

9/18/18 - 9/20/18

Tues: Visiting Presby was a new experience. in Special Procedures, I was able to see a variety of things such as, spinal taps. The nurse I was shadowing helped me into a heavy vest that protects you from the X-Ray machines. Doctor Addison used a big needle on the patients spine as he looked at the X-Ray machine making sure he is placing it correctly.

Wed: Harry Henrdon was not as much as a good experience as Presby was. Unfortunately Nurse Mary was in a meeting for the majority of the time so, I was unable to really see anything. I was literally just sitting there.

Thurs: Baylor was my favorite part of the week. The nurses where very nice and fun. jenna and I were able to see some pretty cool things such as, a patient with a Dog bite. One of the doctors had to cut off her rings on her hand in order to do an X-Ray.

Friday, September 14, 2018

About myself. There isn't anything much interesting to me. All I ever really do is work and sleep. If I'm not sleeping then I'm watching Netflix. I'm not a part of any extra curricular activities because I'm always working. I like makeup, I used to have a passions for it but I kind of lost interest in it because I work all the time. Though I still do it, I don't really have the time for it anymore.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Where do i see my self in the future Grant Mcelwee

Where do I see myself in the future? I see myself being a great I.T person. Someone that had a great idea about all of technology. I wanna be a Ethical Hacker when I grow up and I expect to make a lot of money doing it. I think I will have a great life a great wife and live life to the fullest. I also plan on becoming ritch by making my own company.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Janel's half

I can say I see myself in a career that I will enjoy which I will be a nurse but to work up to a heart surgeon and I see myself married having kids I  hope to have 4 kids and I hope to live in a curtain area I hope to live in Miami Florida or maybe near my parents house I hope to become a greater person to be better in my judgement also to still be very close to My best friends I have now and for us to at least still see each other every year if we don't have time and if we have kids we probably won't but with the year thing meet ups it will be ok I hope that my cousins and aunts will still be close and that we will also be seeing each of us all the time I hope that I will be more mature as we'll I have a lot to look forward to but i know it will be fun.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Cosmetology Career

Cosmetology isn't only about doing people's hair or, their makeup. In cosmetology their are many different careers you can also do like being a nail technician or anestheician. If you would like to help beautify someone or, enjoy the idea of being a professional makeup artist maybe this job is be for you.