Friday, September 21, 2018

Kathya's Clinical Blog

Kathya's Clinical Blog

9/18/18 - 9/20/18

Tues: Visiting Presby was a new experience. in Special Procedures, I was able to see a variety of things such as, spinal taps. The nurse I was shadowing helped me into a heavy vest that protects you from the X-Ray machines. Doctor Addison used a big needle on the patients spine as he looked at the X-Ray machine making sure he is placing it correctly.

Wed: Harry Henrdon was not as much as a good experience as Presby was. Unfortunately Nurse Mary was in a meeting for the majority of the time so, I was unable to really see anything. I was literally just sitting there.

Thurs: Baylor was my favorite part of the week. The nurses where very nice and fun. jenna and I were able to see some pretty cool things such as, a patient with a Dog bite. One of the doctors had to cut off her rings on her hand in order to do an X-Ray.

Friday, September 14, 2018

About myself. There isn't anything much interesting to me. All I ever really do is work and sleep. If I'm not sleeping then I'm watching Netflix. I'm not a part of any extra curricular activities because I'm always working. I like makeup, I used to have a passions for it but I kind of lost interest in it because I work all the time. Though I still do it, I don't really have the time for it anymore.